Thursday, July 12, 2007


Got the museum card today, now I just have to wait for the chance to use it, hopefully this weekend. I'm also going on the class trip to Siena tomorrow, with any luck I'll be able to see the head and thumb of a preserved saint and a museum about the history of times.

Today, I got lost in the city for a while, though technically speaking I got lost twice. Once on my way to the San Gallo campus, then on the way back, when I tried to use the same route. This is generally what happens when I refuse to look at a map and the street names change at every block. I got lost yesterday too, doing the exact same thing, but I try and look at these as learning experiences. Learn to look at the map once in a while or experience the sweltering heat of Italy some more. Though while I while I was lost I managed to find a vegetarian resturant I hadn't been able to find earlier, so it all did work out for the best.

Of course wandering around for an extra hour led to some incredibly grimy feet and a lot of sweating, and having to go to painting class right after didn't help. The extra four hours in the sun made me feel even grosser, partially because of the ridiculous amounts of sweating, but also now I'm starting to develop a farmer's tan. I don't think there is anything else in the world that could depress me more than this at the moment.

Still trying to figure out the picture thing, I'm using Eva's computer so I'm going to have to wait and ask for her help on this one.

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